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KONA 4 - Powerful integration - professional connectivity. KONA 4 is a powerful 8-lane PCIe 2.0 video and audio desktop I/O card with unparalleled features for handling everything from SD to HD, 2K and 4K with full 10-bit 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 color spaces for fantastic image clarity. KONA 4 has the power for the work you do today and into the future.
KONA 4 is currently available to AJA Developer Partners for Windows and Linux.
KONA 4’s extensive 4K support allows output directly from editing systems to 4K projectors or monitors, including HFR support at 50/60p and 4K HDMI output to support the latest UltraHD monitors, allowing editors and clients to view full resolution 4K images as they work.
High Frame Rate support
KONA 4 has the power to support 4K High Frame Rate (HFR) at 50p and 60p for the most demanding 4K and UHD workflows.
4K HDMI output
The HDMI 2.0b output is capable of displaying 4K/UHD via HDMI to many of the new UltraHD monitors, making full-resolution monitoring affordable while stil maintaining pristine image quality.
KONA 4 is currently available to AJA Developer Partners for Windows and Linux, providing them with incredible 4K and multi-channel power for a wide range of applications.
Professional Connectivity
KONA 4 features bi-directional 3G-SDI connections that can be used for input and output. HDMI 2.0b monitoring output, LTC I/O, Genlock input, RS-422 control, configurable 3 x BNC SD/HD analog video output and 8-channel AES audio I/O allow KONA 4 to integrate into a variety of workflows.
Hardware Keying
The built-in hardware downstream keyer allows graphics and images to be overlaid on the input video to the card for easy overlays.
AJA hardware conversion
KONA 4’s broadcast quality up, down, cross-converter unifies resolutions, simplifying workflows and eliminating the need to adjust resolution within software.
Extend your Connectivity with K3G-Box
The optional K3G-Box breakout box and cables allow KONA 4 to integrate easily into rack environments, enabling quick access to all video and audio connections without having to get at the back of the tower computer.
Additional K3G-Box functionality over the standard breakout cable comes in the form of eight additional AES audio channels, 2-channel RCA analog audio monitoring jacks, and looping BNC Genlock reference connectors.
AJA Video Systems, Inc.
180 Litton Drive
US 95945 Grass Valley, CA
Verantwortliche Person
Comline GmbH
DE 24941 Flensburg
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