RTW TouchMonitor TM9
- Freitextfeld 1: RTW_20900
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The all-new TouchMonitor range is RTW`s answer to growing requirements in today`s production, post-production, and broadcast world. Equipped with high-grade 7" or 9" touch screens and an easy-to-use GUI, TouchMonitor enters a new level of professional audio metering in terms of precision, performance, efficiency and flexibility.
Simple and flexible
The graphical user interface used in the TouchMonitor TM9 is controlled simply by using your finger or a mouse. Instruments can be scaled, randomly positioned and combined in almost every way for optimized use of available screen space. Even multiple instruments of the same type, assigned to different input channels and configurations, can be displayed simultaneously. Plus, a context-sensitive, on-screen help feature supports the user, allowing him to make setup changes with ease.
NEW in Firmware Version 2
A major enhancement is the innovative LRA instrument. It intuitively depicts the Loudness Range (LRA) descriptor specified in EBU R128, elegantly combining the two most critical loudness-metering parameters. In addition, the TouchMonitor V2 firmware offers many more enhancements. These include the new classic PPM-instrument view derived from legendary RTW peak meters featuring gas-plasma displays, and the moving-coil instrument that implements various types of pointer instruments (including an M/S combo display) on the screen. Another new feature is the global keyboard, a customizable keypad that can, among others, be used for issuing global start/stop/reset messages to multiple instruments. It also allows for controlling the TouchMonitor using the integrated GPIO interface. For existing untis firmware version 2 (release 2-17 of Sept. 26th, 2011) is available for download.
- Easy and fast touch screen control with comfortable onscreen help
- Highly flexible screen layout options with scalable instrument
- Powerful DSP platform for parallel display of multiple instruments
- 16 channel audio interfacing including analog, AES3 and AES3id (depending on hardware version)
- 3G-SDI interface for up to 32 input channels (TM9 hardware option)
- Fully scalable, modular software approach for flexible configuration and easy on-site upgrades
- Ethernet/LAN, USB, VGA and GPIO ports
- 9" touch screen 16 : 9 TFT
- Table-top unit, approx. 245 x 183 x 46.5 mm (W x H x D), incl. mains adapter
- Flush mount versions available (please contact our sales department)
- Standard Software (2-ch. PPM, TruePeak meter, correlator, global keyboard)
- Other software modules available as options
Measurement Accessories
Messtechnik Zubehör
RTW GmbH & Co KG
Am Wassermann 25
DE 50829 Köln
+49 221. 70 913-0
Verantwortliche Person
RTW GmbH & Co KG
DE 50829 Köln
+49 221. 70 913-0
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