LaCie 2big RAID 16 TB
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Our experts are there for you:
Mo. - Fr.: 9am to 6pm
+49 (0) 040/557624-50
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The 2big RAID 16 TB is a professional RAID system with two Enterprise hard disk drives with a capacity of 8 TB each and a total capacity of 16 TB. The RAID system achieves a maximum transfer speed of 440 MB/s and has a USB-C port (USB 3.1). The individual drives are hot-swappable (not RAID 0) and can form RAID configurations 0, 1 and JBOD, which are quickly and easily set using the LaCie RAID Manager software. Front panel status LEDs provide a quick overview of disk activity. Cooling of the RAID system is provided by a Noctua® fan with thermoregulation and a thermally conductive aluminum housing. The 2big is powered by the included AC adapter.
Seagate Technology GmbH
Messerschmittstrasse 4
DE 80992 München
Seagate Technology GmbH
DE 80992 München
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