Cinema Devices ergorig Regular
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Our experts are there for you:
Mo. - Fr.: 9am to 6pm
+49 (0) 040/557624-50
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[email protected]
The ergorig is a professional camera support system for cameramen and women in regular size to relieve the shoulder and back muscles. The vest fits everyone whose upper body length from the front hip point (tip of the triangle of the hip on the front, which is directly around the waistline) to the middle of the shoulder is more or exactly 53 cm (21"). Unlike comparable camera support systems, the camera is not connected to the rig, but only rests on the shoulder pad. For this purpose, the shoulder pad is fixed a few millimeters above the shoulder with the screws so that the weight of the camera is redistributed over the frame. This gives a higher flexibility and the vest can easily be carried on during breaks without restricting the freedom of movement. By providing the camera with a shoulder strap and placing it over the shoulder pad, you can also film in underslung mode. For transport, it can be folded by removing the front and rear screws from the struts and removing the belt. The rig becomes even more compact when one or both struts are detached from the shoulder plate using two or four nuts.
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